Healthcare workers: more information

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Healthcare workers apply either as a team or as individuals. If selected, you:

  • put up a profile on the site
  • answer students’ questions about your work, background, career, the universe and beyond
  • engage directly with classes in live text-based chats

Students then vote for their favourite participant or team to win £500 to spend on more engagement with NHS careers.

What kind of questions do students ask?

Students will ask questions about anything they like, from questions about NHS careers and education, to TV shows and pizza toppings. All questions are moderated to remove duplicate questions, as well as any that are rude or offensive.

What are the live chats like?

Live chats last 30 minutes; they are text-based, fast paced and fun. We limit the chats to a maximum of 2 a day. We don’t expect all healthcare workers to attend every chat but try and make sure there’s a good mix for students.

What’s the prize money for?

One participant or team in every zone wins £500 to be spent on a project (either their own, or with their place of work) which engages young people with careers in the NHS.

For more information about what the prize money can be used for, take a look at our FAQs.

How much time will it take?

Your zone will be ‘live’ for 3 weeks. Most participants say they spend around an hour per weekday on the event on live chats and answering students’ questions in ASK, at least half of which can be during the evening, outside of the work day. You can take part by yourself or as a team to share the time commitment — for example a team of colleagues, or group of medical students.

If you want to take part but are unsure about the time commitment involved get in touch with  for more information or to discuss entering as a team.

Do I need any special software or equipment?

All that’s needed is a computer/tablet/phone with internet access. The live chats are text-based (no video or audio needed) and run through this site.

How do I apply?

Click here to go to the application form

Remember, you can apply either as an individual or as a team from your workplace.

PS: Why is it called I’m a Medic, Get me out of here?

The I’m a Medic project is based on the long running, successful group of I’m a… schools engagement projects — I’m a Scientist, I’m an Engineer, I’m an Astronaut, and more — which in turn are named for the longer running television programme.

Since 2002 more than 100,000 school students have engaged with scientists, engineers, researchers, local councillors, and astronauts in the projects. The name works. It attracts people’s attention, it makes them smile, and it makes them engage with the programme. Students and teachers immediately “get” the concept of some experts putting themselves on the line to vie for the votes of students.