Mental Health Zone Report – January 2019

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The Mental Health Zone was funded by Health Education England involved three individual healthcare workers as well as four healthcare teams who took part as a group.

Neel is a consultant psychiatrist, Ed is a Mental Health Nurse and Annabel is the head of HR in a West London Trust. Particpating as a team were the Arts Therapy Team, including arts and music therapists; Southwark Home Treatment Team, made up of nurses, social workers, psychologists and a business manager; the Sheffield Psychiatry Ward Team, involving doctors training in psychiatry and ward managers; and the Early Intervention in Psychosis Team who are a mental health nurse and a carer helping staff better understand the needs of families and individuals experiencing psychosis.

Ten schools across England took part with with students in Years 8 and 9, as well as a Year 10 class. Continue reading

Posted on April 3, 2019 by modemily in 2019, Evaluation, HEE, Zone Reports | Comments Off on Mental Health Zone Report – January 2019

Primary Care Zone Report – January 2019

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The Primary Care Zone was funded by Health Education England with ten schools across England, mostly with students in Years 7, 8 and 9, as well as some Year 10 and sixth form classes.

Four individual healthcare workers participated as well as three healthcare teams who took part as a group. Tarik is a London-based dentist and oral surgeon, Kerry is a Health Care Assistant soon to qualify as a nurse, Amelia is a GP based in Somerset and Brendon is a pharmacist from the CLICK Federation. Particpating as a team were Riverside Surgery, including people from clinical and administration roles within the practice, Hampton Surgery, made up of a team involving nurses and a paramedic and the East Sussex Children’s Integrated Therapy Service, made up of Physiotherapists, Speech and Language therapists and an assistant. Continue reading

Posted on April 3, 2019 by modemily in 2019, Evaluation, HEE, Zone Reports | Comments Off on Primary Care Zone Report – January 2019